Help for dog owners
If you are the owner of one or more dogs, here you will find everything you need to know in order to use Gudog.
My account
- How do I make a booking for my dog?
- I want to speak to the sitter before making the booking
- How do I know whether a sitter will respond quickly to my messages or confirm my request?
- Can I send a booking request for the same dates to multiple sitters?
- I want to meet the sitter before the booking
- I need to extend my booking
Gudog’s veterinary coverage
- Introducing Gudog's New Referral Program: A Win-Win for Pet Owners!
- What is the late pick-up surcharge?
- Is making a payment on Gudog secure?
- How to pay for a booking
- Commission
- Do I have to pay before knowing if the dog sitter will be able to take care of my dog?