You can modify the service rates on your profile from both the app and website by clicking on Profile > Edit services and rates.
- Service: you can choose which services to offer on your profile, and which to leave off. You can enable and disable services from this screen.
- Price: depending on the service, the price will be per night, day or walk. This is the rate that you will typically charge for each service.
- Public holiday rate: depending on the service, the rate will be per night, day or walk. This is the rate that you will charge for each service for bookings that take place during public holidays. You can find more information about public holidays here.
- Pick-up/drop-off: only available for dog boarding and dog day care services. You can enable or disable this option depending on whether you want to offer a pick-up or drop-off service to the owner’s address.
- Price for pick-up/drop-off: if the pick-up/drop-off service is enabled, you can indicate your per journey rate. Owners may need you to do only a pick-up, or drop-off, or both.
- Maximum distance for pick-up/drop-off: if the pick-up/drop-off service is enabled, you can indicate the maximum distance that you are able to travel for pick-ups or drop-offs at the owner’s address.
- Dog sizes that you allow: you can select the dog sizes that you are able to care for. You can also indicate whether you accept puppies or not. Depending on your experience, house type and other factors, you can choose the dogs that you can and want to care for.