At Gudog we have a profile validation team that will be responsible for choosing the best dog sitters.
To be a dog sitter with Gudog it is very important to:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Complete your profile with truthful information
- Have experience taking care of dogs
- Include a profile picture where the dog sitter can clearly be seen
- Include interesting information in the description such as:
Type of accommodation and where the dog you are looking after will sleep.
Experience in looking after dogs.
What other animals you have at home.
Your availability for looking after dogs.
Your profile may not be valid for the following reasons:
- You do not appear in your profile picture
- Bad quality profile photo
- Personal details or contact information in Description: (email, telephone number, address etc)
- You indicate different rates in your description to those stipulated in your services
- You offer additional services in your Description, other than Boarding, Doggy day care or Walking
- Lack of demonstrable experience
- You offer boarding to other animals, not just dogs
Gudog reserves the right not to validate profiles that fulfil these conditions for other reasons.